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ACISAA Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ACISAA?

The Army Counterintelligence (CI) Special Agents Association (ACISAA), is a nonprofit professional military-related organization designed to support current & retired Army CI (ACI) Special Agents. This website serves as a hub for the ACISAA, as well as, the ACISAA forum. While membership in the ACISAA requires payment of annual dues, subscription to the forum only requires proof of current or past honorable service as an ACI Special Agent.

How was the ACISAA founded?

The ACISAA was founded in 2021 by a group of current and former ACI Special Agents who were originally part of a mail listing service known as the ACI Discussion Group or "ACIDG," that formed in 1998 and consisted of ACI professionals. Upon notice of the list shutting down in late 2020, discussion began on how to continue the conversations and camaraderie gained through the list. Around this time, it was also announced that the U.S. Army would again be creating a more stand-alone CI service (as it once existed in the Army CI Corp or "CIC"), now in the form of the U.S. Army CI Command (USACIC). This news prompted two members of the ACIDG to begin discussing the formation of a professional association dedicated exclusively ACI Special Agents, similar to those that already exist for ACI's counter-parts in the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), Air Force Office of Special Investigations, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Are there requirements to join?

Subscribing to this website is the first requirement before joining the ACISAA as a member. Subscribing requires proof of current or former status as an ACI Special Agent who served honorably. This proof verification will not have to be repeated if a subscriber applies for "Regular Membership" or "Lifetime Membership" within the ACISAA. Such proof can be any number of documents including a picture of your retired credentials, or a copy of your DD-214 showing honorable discharge as a military ACI Special Agent (or equivalent civilian separation/retirement paperwork). Please note that these documents WILL NOT BE MAINTAINED BY THE ACISAA, and WILL BE DESTROYED/DELETED upon verification of your current/former ACI status. Lifetime membership has further requirements as listed on the membership payment plan page. "Associate Membership" requires being a dependent or associate of ACI with a recommendation from a regular member. These three membership types require the payment of annual dues (or onetime fee for lifetime members) as shown on the member payment plan page of this site. These dues enable the continued functioning of this website and it's associated services, in addition to discounts and printed publications sent to members.

How do I join the ACISAA?

Before you can apply to join the ACISAA, you must first subscribe to this website (it is free to subscribe and also a requirement before you can apply for ACISAA membership). This subscription will also enable access to the ACISAA forum on this site and pre-vets you as a current or former ACI agent. Once your subscription is approved you will be notified via e-mail. After this, you can login to this website and click on "Become a Member" under the "Members" tab on the website menu. Once here, you can select the membership type you are applying for and pay the appropriate dues. Once your payment is processed, you will officially be an ACISAA member!

What are the benefits to joining?

Membership in the ACISAA includes many benefits similar to those of other military and law enforcement professional associations. First and foremost, it enables you to be apart of the shared camaraderie that we foster in the ACISAA among current and former agents. You can converse directly with people who have been apart of some of the biggest events in world history. This can be done via the ACISAA forum which regular & lifetime members have full access to, or via an ACISAA National Convention we will host somewhere within the U.S. every year (circumstances permitting). ACISAA membership also includes access to any publications we print sent to you for free or via this website, along with access to nominate candidates for professional awards that we offer. We are also proud to be apart of the National Association of Federal Law Enforcement Officers (NAFLEO) umbrella group encompassing many federal law enforcement agency associations such as the NCIS Association, Association of Former OSI Special Agents, Army CID Agents Association, Diplomatic Security Service Association, ATF Association, U.S. Secret Service Association, and many more! This group allows the ACISAA to offer a wide-range of discounts to our membership, from event/show tickets to hotels/rental cars, and even discounted legal services. We are also working to add even more discounts exclusive to our members, and plan on offering free admission to an ACI National Museum we are working to establish in the future. Finally, as a member you can participate directly in the future development of the ACISAA, by becoming a voting member, running for an ACISAA National Office, or by participating in any one of several committees covering a wide range of topics. Join today and find out everything the ACISAA has to offer! 


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