Election Day is fast approaching. YOUR vote counts. If you haven't voted yet, we encourage you to get out and vote in the upcoming election. Early voting is still open in many states and Election Day is next Tuesday (5 November). For those of you overseas, please get your mail-in ballot into the mail ASAP, but postmarked no later than 5 November.
As a 501c(3) non-profit organization we do not take any position as to any of the candidates in the various federal, state, and local elections. But we do encourage all of you to exercise your right to vote. It may not seem important, but your votes counts.
In Lakeland, Polk County, FL.... we voted during the 'early voting' period at the County Seat, 26 OCT through 3 NOV.
Voted early, last week in NC.
Voted yesterday in SC!
Jim hope all is well with you and yours. Voted over two weeks ago. Going to do my civic duty and work the polling station on Tuesday.