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Our Spiritual Backup

Most of us don’t like the idea of going into battle alone. As ACI agents, we play a team sport where we rely on others to not only support us, but to literally “watch our six” as we carry out the various activities required to complete our missions. Humans are tribal by nature and we take comfort in knowing our tribe mates are all contributing to our wellbeing, our safety and our very survival.


Spiritually, we also need someone to watch our backs as we battle evil forces. It doesn’t take long in our field to learn that evil exists and it takes a special physical and spiritual fortitude to confront it. Luckily, we not only have each other to cover us, but in many traditions, there is also a spiritual warrior willing to back us up.


St. Michael the Archangel is an ancient and honored fixture in Judaism, Christianity (in the Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant traditions) and Islam. His presence throughout recorded history is that of a spiritual warrior, guardian of God’s people and vanquisher of evil. Ironically, he is often portrayed bearing both a sword and the scales of justice which harkens to the offensive and law enforcement aspects of the ACI mission.


In the United States, St. Michael is viewed as the patron of both soldiers and law enforcement officers; which makes him a ready spiritual partner for any ACI agent. In a tradition started by the many LEOs of Irish decent in the mid-19th century, many LEOs carried with them on duty a St. Michael medal on the chain which they carried their “call box” keys or which they wore on a chain around their necks. In times of distress, they would call on the protection of this spiritual partner with whom they found an affinity.


Although the majority of belief systems do not practice forms of prayer to anyone other their deity, the invocation of the intercession by saints and angels is a common practice in many faiths. As such, calling upon St. Michael’s protection is well grounded in the theology and tradition. To do so, one might simply recite the following common intercession:


"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."


As the Army’s National Security Protectors, we should take comfort that we can not only rely on the fidelity of each other; but that we have been provided with spiritual back-up in our times of need. Servare Fidem – Keep the Faith

Ken Orrock

ACISAA Chaplain




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