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Passing of Bob Thayer

Jim Moss

It is with a heavy heart I am forwarding news I received this morning that Bob Thayer has passed away. I worked for Bob at FCA back in 1990-1991 and learned a lot from him. He was an outstanding mentor and a friend. I know many of our members also worked with Bob at some point in their careers.


5 commentaires

Vincent Nasti
Vincent Nasti
18 déc. 2024

He is in Heaven. I know the name, never met.


Mario  Caraballo
Mario Caraballo
17 déc. 2024

Terrible loss. Bob was a great human being and excellent mentor. I was lucky to have worked under him in Europe. Blessings to his family.


William Rogers
17 déc. 2024

I worked with Bob when he was CI Chief at G2 USAREUR in 1999. Great guy! Sorry to hear of his passing…


Jeffrey Degenhardt
16 déc. 2024

So sorry to hear this. He was one of the good ones. Worked for him in the mid-80s at 766 MID in Berlin.

Richard Nolan
17 déc. 2024
En réponse à

I too met Mr Bob Thayer in Berlin with the 766 th MID really enjoyed my time with him.

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