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Retirement of Special Agent Dave May

Jim Moss

ACI Special Agent Dave May retired on 30 September 2024, after a long and illustrious career in Army CI, both on Active Duty and as a MICECP. We held a retirement party for him this past Saturday (28 September) at Jim Moss' place in Texas, which was attended by a bevy of current and retired ACI SAs including, but not limited to, Don Tarter, Tim Scarboro, Johnny Rivera, Gerry Parsons, Greg Johnson, Matt Bitter, Jeff Swenson, and our illustrious ACISAA President, Brad Stockham.

Although the below attached photos were taken during the day, the party continued with about seven diehards until about 02:30 Sunday morning. No photos of the "after party" will be posted so as to protect the guilty. All in all though, it was a great send off for Dave, whom I consider to be a top shelf Special Agent, a close and dear friend, and just an all around great guy.

Dave's plans for retirement include building on his recent successes as a professional poker player. If you wish to contact Dave, you may reach him via email at



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